Book your FREE Consultation

Book in for a FREE consultation with optional movement and body composition assessments.

Hi, I’m Craig Hogan

I am a CSEP-certified personal trainer and a MRU graduate from the personal fitness trainer diploma. I value my client’s health above all, that includes physical and mental. We train for longevity and injury prevention while still having you reach your goal in a timely manner.

I became a trainer because I want to give people back their lives. I want people to feel and move the best they ever have regardless of age or condition and feel great in their bodies while achieving their fitness goals. I want physical activity to became a mainstay in my clients lives and to create lasting change within them, enabling them to age gracefully, maintain long athletic careers, and keep up with their kids. Whatever your reason for training I am here to assist you in making that change permanent.

I have had the privilege of working with a variety of people from all walks of life, ranging from people living with specific conditions to young athletes, and the elderly, and everyone in-between. I firmly believe that physical activity can benefit us all, and I am excited to show you how it can positively impact your life!

Eat well

After training hard, it’s essential to refuel our bodies with proper nutrition, allowing us to rebuild effectively and enabling us to build upon the progress achieved in the gym. Nutrition plays a vital role in optimizing our performance, enhancing recovery, and achieving our fitness goals. With the right fuel you will experience enhanced energy levels, improved overall health, and lasting results.

Sleep plenty

We’ve put in the effort, training hard, and making healthy food choices. Now, it’s time to acknowledge the part we neglect the most: sleep! This is where everything we’ve done comes together. It’s the crucial phase where our bodies recover and the hormonal responses from our exercise and diet kick in. Sleep plays a vital role in the whole process, and we must prioritize it.

Train hard

It is important to challenge ourselves when we train as that is how our body grows. I will teach and support you as we find that right level of challenge for each exercise. It is important to train specifically for the results we want to see and your program will be tailored made for you to reach your goals.